Monday, December 6, 2010

Photo Tip! Neighborly Cats Record Local Song

 Folding table + laptop and speakers = The Booth.
 Alaska, video producer turns sound engineer; Matt Gelfer, plays everything.
All right, y'all. Goes like this...
Indomitably brunette: Rachel Zylstra and Gretchen Poole on back-ups.
Pardon us; just harmonizin'.

We pause for an appointment with our mixologist. But coming soon to a Blogspot near you — a real song. The kind you can hear, even!

1 comment:

  1. Dude! That looked like SO much fun! I'd love to live close to people who love music & like recording.
    I actually busted out my guitar today while Logan was napping. It was nice to chill w/ the ol' get-tar for a bit.
